Steph, This is a fantastic response! Thank you so much.
I was shocked to read about that French surgeon. Wow, only 15 yrs in jail? That is incredibly lenient and makes me wonder about the very people within that legal system.
I can offer more thoughts later when things simmer down at my end. I currently have some urgent matters I need to deal with... I just wanted to offer a quick reply as a way of expressing my gratitude to what you wrote. So spot on and so insightful!
I will follow up again. Just not sure exactly when.
Meanwhile, feel free to write more. It's clear that your thinking style fits in very well with SIG. Until word gets out and until SIG gets absorbed into the psyche of SIG sufferers, it will be individuals like you, Steph, that will assist people to comfortably understand the application and importance of SIG in their internal world of grief, and the external world of those professionals who seek to help and support SIG sufferers.
Thank you again for your thoughts and input. I'd love to continue our correspondence.